Category: Uncategorized
Reventek® Acquires Haircare Company focused on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Hair Loss
Reventek@, a company based on a family of several brands, has recently acquired MCS Haircare. By reducing staff redundancy, and opening up new distribution channels, Reventek® hopes to bring MCS into the forefront of modern offerings. The company (MCS) has a unique product line, with a dual focus on both all-natural and biodegradable products, as…
MDS Labs® Develops NEUROmergence®, Specifically Targeting Adverse Kinase Enzymes, to Support Anti-aging and Cognitive Rebuilding
Key Points: Valencia, CA – Senotherapeutic treatment is a rapidly emerging approach in the field of aging research and regenerative medicine. As we age, our bodies face a decline in immune system efficiency, leading to the accumulation of senescent cells. These cells impair the function of healthy cells, affecting our resilience to stress and illness, recovery…